"Making socially conscious movies highlighting the injustice of Human Trafficking, child marriage, child labor and spiritual abuse, then directly aiding the survivors upon whom the films shed light"


“Making socially conscious movies highlighting the injustice of human trafficking, child marriage, child labor and spiritual abuse, then directly aiding the survivors upon whom the films shed light”

Cathedral Canyon

CATHEDRAL CANYON: When a career criminal, Ryan McBride, (Winsor Harmon), happens by accident upon a young girl from a cult, Ruthie, (Noelle Wheeler), a chain of events is set in motion that will change things forever.  

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Cult Cartel

CULT CARTEL: This is the story of a family living under the oppression of the FLDS Cult. Drawn from real events and filmed in the actual town and buildings where the events took place, Cult Cartel is authentic to it’s core.  

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Carmelita (Production)

CARMELITA: This is a gut-wrenching screenplay which deals with the sex trafficking crisis we’re currently facing on our southern border. Please hit the button below to find out how you can contribute to the production of this important film.

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Produced by Diana Davis

Red and Gold Glitter Hollywood Invitation (21)

Written & Directed by Paul Davis


CULT CARTEL is the story of a family living under the oppression of the FLDS Cult. Drawn from real events and filmed in the actual town and buildings where the events took place, Cult Cartel is authentic to its core.  

What makes this project especially unique is this film actually employed many of those who have managed to escape or been banished from the community with little education, no family support or understanding of the outside world

They were also determined to tell their stories as script consultants, facing their painful pasts and pleading with the public to join us in MakingADifference to make sure that this stops once and for all and never happens again.


Set in 2005, CATHEDRAL CANYON is the story of a Phoenix, Arizona area criminal/businessman, Ryan McBride, (Winsor Harmon) who has spent the last few years tiring of his main occupation as the go-between and facilitator for criminals and the City establishment. He desires to do something more with his life and sees the booming real estate market as his ticket out

McBride positions himself in a real estate deal in which construction is to be done by a polygamist offshoot Church whose use of child labor allows for massive profits for the church (cult).

When McBride happens by accident upon a young girl from the cult, Ruthie, (Noelle Wheeler), a chain of events is set in motion that will change things for all of them forever.


CARMELITA: This is a gut-wrenching, but ultimately triumphant screenplay based on true events, which deals with the sex trafficking crisis we’re currently facing on our southern border. Find out how you can get involved with the production of this important film. We invite individuals as well as corporate donors and sponsors to join us in this fight!

After reading the screenplay written by Paul Davis, Roger Birnbaum, former co-CEO and co-Chairman of MGM and owner of Spyglass Entertainment and Caravan Pictures wrote ~

Professionally written and certainly on par with the scripts submitted to me by Hollywood agencies. But I don’t know how to make nonprofit movies like you do.” Roger continues, “with your tenacity Diana, I am sure you will get this made.”